Developer Fees

Developer Fees

In 1986, the California Legislature authorized school districts to levy school impact or developer fees on residential and commercial/industrial development for the purpose of funding the construction or reconstruction of school facilities.  The basis of the school facilities legislation is the relationship between new development, and the impact on school districts to provide adequate school facilities for the student population new development generates.  The authority for the District’s assessment of developer fees is set forth in Education Code Section 17620, pursuant to Government Code 65995.

Current Fees:

● Residential - $4.08/sq. ft.

● Commercial - $.66/sq. ft.

How to Pay:

Fees will be accepted Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.,

Please email Janet Marcotte at or

call 805-467-3216 Ext. 2229 to set up an appointment.



Payments must be made in the form of a check or cashier check, payable to SMJUSD.

(If Paso Robles is listed you must pay fees at San Miguel and we forward the fees to Paso Robles. You only need to write one check.)