Re-opening Information
Over the previous 17 months, SMJUSD has worked to provide students with the best possible education while keeping them, along with our staff, safe. We have been required to submit several board-approved plans which have all met the state's ever-changing requirements. The most recent plan can be found above. The plan was approved by the SMJUSD Board of Trustees on August 12, 2021, but already needs an update to include the newest mandate which requires all staff in K-12 schools to be fully vaccinated or test for COVID weekly. The revised plan will go to the board for consideration of approval on September 9, 2021, at a regular board meeting. Above you will also find the Decision Pathways for Schools document published by our local health authority. This document will guide us in our decision-making as to when a student or staff member must isolate due to illness or quarantine due to exposure. For the 2021/22 school year, SMJUSD is offering two instructional models as mandated by AB 130.
Full-time, in-person instruction
Independent Studies
The documents below are the previous iterations of the Reopening Plan along with other required documents to allow our schools to remain open.
The COVID-19 and Reopening In-Person Learning Framework for K-12 Schools in California, 2020/21 School Year (July 17, 2020 Framework) permitted schools to reopen for in-person instruction in schools located in counties that were in the Red, Orange, or Yellow Tiers under the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. SMJUSD opened both sites, Cappy Culver and Lillian Larsen, while under the Red Tier. On January 14, 2021 the Governor in partnership with the California Department of Public Health released an update of the framework entitled COVID-19 and Reopening In-Person Instruction Framework & Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools in California, 2020/21 School year which required that school districts already opened develop and post a COVID Safety Plan (CSP) and the Cal/OSHA Prevention Program (CPP) on their websites, along with a COVID-19 School Guidance Checklist . Please see the two plans below. These plans were brought before the SMJUSD Board of Trustees for approval on 1/28/2021. Our CSP is our Hybrid Reopening Plan with a few minor changes to meet the ever-changing requirements from Cal/OSHA and Public Health as our knowledge of the virus unfolds. The plan was developed with a variety of stakeholders including district administrators, classified staff, certificated staff, labor groups, parents, and students. Please find details in the CSP plan. These plans have also been submitted to the San Luis Obispo Public Health Department and are pending their approval.
Hybrid Reopening
Both schools in the district reopened in a hybrid fashion (both in-person and Distance Learning options) for all grade levels pre-school through grade 8. We began our phased reopening while the county of San Luis Obipo was in the Red Tier. This has allowed us to continue with our phased reopening for all grade levels.
Hybrid Reopening Dates:
November 16: tk and Kinder at Lillian Larsen and tk-3rd at Cappy Culver
November 30: 1st-3rd at Lillian Larsen and 4th-8th at Cappy Culver
December 7: 4th and 5th at Lillian Larsen
January 4: 6th, 7th, and 8th at Lillian Larsen
We are using an AM/PM Cohort Model as survey results from parents and teachers preferred that model over day on/day off.
AM Cohort will attend from 8:30-11:00 four days a week with one day for distance learning only.
PM Cohort will attend from 12:30-3:00.
Students will attend four days a week with Mondays designated as Distance Learning only for all students.
Please see plan below for more details.
Board Approved Hybrid Reopening Plan
This plan was submitted to San Luis Obispo Public Health Department for review and input on October 27, 2020 and returned to the district on November 4, 2020. All feedback from the SLO Public Health Department was incorporated into the plan. The plan was approved at a public board meeting on November 12, 2020.
Board Approved Reopening Plan July 2020