Human Resources
Certificated and Classified job postings can be found at by clicking the link below:
Want to be a Substitute Teacher? Apply on the Edjoin Link above and apply under Certificated Substitute.
Daily Rate- $200
Benefits Contact Information:
Anthem Blue Cross (PPO)
(800) 564-7475
Cobra Administration
(661) 636-4214
DELTA Dental of California
(866) 499-3001
Direct Bill Retiree Program
(661) 636-4651
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
(800) 999-7222
Individual Retiree Plans / Medicare Advantage Plans [COMPANIONCARE]
(800) 825-5541
MD Live (24/7 Physician Line - PPO only)
(888) 632-2738
Medical Eye Services (MES)
(800) 877-6372
Navitus Prescription Drugs
(866) 333-2757
Vision Service Plan (VSP)
(800) 877-7195