Community Preschools
Lillian Larsen Preschool
Lillian Larsen Elementary School is opening its own preschool for the community beginning in the 2021-2022 school year. This preschool will be free to children ages 3-5 years. The preschool class is located on the campus of Lillian Larsen at 1601 L St in San Miguel, California. Please call the main office at 805-467-3216 for more information.
La escuela primaria Lillian Larsen abrirá su propio preescolar para la comunidad a partir del año escolar 2021-2022. Este preescolar será gratuito para niños de 3 a 5 años. La clase de preescolar está ubicada en el campus de Lillian Larsen en 1601 L St en San Miguel, California. Llame a la oficina principal al 805-467-3216 para obtener más información.
Local Preschool List/Lista Preescolar Local
This is a list of potential preschool providers in north county. This is not an exhaustive list and is not an endorsement of any particular preschool. Search for additional preschools online.
Esta es una lista de posibles proveedores de preescolar en el norte del condado. Esta no es una lista exhaustiva y no es un respaldo de ningún preescolar en particular. Busque preescolares adicionales en línea.
Paso Robles
Paso Robles Cooperative Preschool:
Ages/Edades: 2-5 years (Potty Trained/ir al baño entrenado)
Hours/Horas: 8:30-12:00 pm
Marie Bauer Early Education Center
Ages/Edades: 3-5 years
Hours/Horas: 8:00-3:00 pm (before and after care available/(cuidado antes y después disponible)
Bearkitten Preschool
805-769-1500 Ext 50331
Ages/Edades: 3-5 years
Hours/Horas: 8:00-12:00 pm
The Children's Academy Montessori Preschool
Ages/Edades: 18 months-5 years (Do not need to be potty trained/No necesita estar entrenado para ir al baño)
Hours/Horas: 7:00-5:30 pm
Head Start (Low income families only/solo familias de bajos ingresos)
Ages/Edades: 3 to 5 years
Hours/Horas: Unknown
(805) 226-9945
Inspirations Preschool Center
Ages/Edades: 18 months-5 years (Needs to be potty trained by age 4/Necesita estar entrenado para ir al baño a los 4 años))
Hours/Horas: 7:30-5:30 pm
Christian Life Early Learning Center
Ages/Edades: 2 years 9 months-1st grade (Unsure about potty training/No estoy seguro sobre el entrenamiento para ir al baño)
Hours/Horas: 6:45-5:45 pm
Little Preschool on Prairie
Ages/Edades: 2-5 years
Hours/Horas: Half Days/Medios Días
Trinity Lutheran Church Preschool
Ages/Edades: 2-5 years (do not need to be potty trained/no es necesario estar entrenado para ir al baño)
Hours/Horas: Variable based on age; not full days/ variable en función de la edad; no dias completos
Rainbow Bright Christian Learning Center
Ages/Edades: 2-5 years (do not need to be potty trained/No necesita estar entrenado para ir al baño)
Hours/Horas: 7:30-5:30 pm
Cuesta College Children's Center
Ages/Edades: 2-5 years (do not need to be potty trained//No necesita estar entrenado para ir al baño)
Hours/Horas: 7:30-5:00pm
First Five Early Learning Centers
Ages/Edades: 3-5 years (must be potty trained/debe estar entrenado para ir al baño)
Bauer Elementary
Classroom Hours/Horas 8:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m
Winifred Pifer Elementary
805-769-1300 x 24703
Classroom Hours/Horas 8:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. & 12:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m
First 5 Early Education Center 3600 Oak St. Room 103
805- 239-7971
Classroom Hours/Horas 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m
Head Start (Low income families only/(Low income families only/solo familias de bajos ingresos)
Ages/Edades: 3 to 5 years
Hours/Horas: Unknown/desconocido
Little Wings of Atascadero
Ages/Edades: 2-4 years (do not need to be potty trained/No necesita estar entrenado para ir al baño)
Hours/Horas: 7:30-5:30 pm
(805) 464-2133
First Five Early Learning Centers
Ages/Edades: 3-5 years (must be potty trained/debe estar entrenado para ir al baño)
Hours/Horas: 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m
Atascadero Cooperative Preschool
Ages/Edades: 2 ½ - 5 years old
Hours/Horas: 9:00-12:30 pm (3 days per week/3 días a la semana)
(805) 466-2427
Atascadero Children’s Center
Ages/Edades: 18 months- 5th grade (do not need to be potty trained/No necesita estar entrenado para ir al baño)
Hours/Horas: 6:30-6:00 pm
Shepherd Christian Preschool
Ages/Edades: Unknown/desconocido
Hours/Horas: 6:30-5:30 pm (full or half day/(día completo o medio día)
(805) 391-4047
Little Ark Preschool
Ages/Edades: 3-5 years (must be potty trained/debe estar entrenado para ir al baño)
Hours/Horas: 8:00-12:00 pm (T, W, TH)
(805) 466-9544
Children’s House Montessori
Ages/Edades: 18 months-6th grade
Hours/Horas: 9:00-3:00 pm (3-4 year olds) 9:00-12:00 pm (18-36 months-do not need to be potty trained/No necesita estar entrenado para ir al baño)
Playtime Discoveries
*Parent participation Program/Programa de participación de los padres
Ages/Edades: 12 months-5 years (Parent participation preschool for ages 3-5 years/Preescolar con participación de los padres para niños de 3 a 5 años)
Hours/Horas: Preschool 9:00-12:30 pm (T, Th)
Friendship Garden Preschool
Ages/Edades: 2-5 years
Hours/Hours: 7:30-5:30 pm
(805) 460-6824